Torvinen Showtekniikka
Torvinen Showtekniikka is a customer-oriented, modern provider of event technology services. Technical implementation is an essential part of a successful event, and our goal is to offer our customers flexible and cost-effective technical solutions for both small and large events.
Torvinen Showtekniikka provides you with high-quality technical equipment, and an experienced and customer-oriented staff. Whether you need event streaming, are organising a small-scale seminar, or planning a public event with complex technical requirements, we will design the right package for you, together with you. Our clients include associations, touring companies of popular artists, event production companies, and public authorities.
In addition to the technical design and organisation of events, we also specialise in the design and installation of fixed audiovisual solutions. We provide, for example, telecommunications systems, sound installations, and lighting for large and small venues for public spaces and businesses, and we also service the equipment when needed. We always use professional products that meet the real needs of our customers.
Contact details:
Torvinen Showtekniikka +358 10 420 2170
Visit the website.
![Autamme teitä toteuttamaan unohtumattomat juhlat ja erilaiset yritysitilaisuudet.](
![Asiakkaamme koostuvat mm. yhdistyksistä, tunnetuimpien artistien kiertuetekniikasta, tapahtumatuotantopalveluja tarjoavista yrityksistä sekä julkishallinnon toimijoista.](
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![Myös striimauspalvelut.](